forest hill united church

an intercultural Christian community


2 Wembley Road, Toronto           one block north of Eglinton at Bathurst Street

Accessibility Policy


Accessibility Policy CoverOur Commitment

In fulfilling our mission, Forest Hill United Church strives at all times to provide its programs, goods and services in a way that respects the dignity and independence of people with disabilities. We are also committed to giving people with disabilities the same opportunity to access our programs, goods and services and allowing them to benefit from the same services, in the same place, and in a similar way as other participants.

Customer Service Standards

This policy contains statements that meet the requirements of the Customer Service Standard and other items that are good practices. This policy will be revised as other standards are introduced under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005. CLICK HERE to read a full copy of the policy.


Accessibility Aids Currently Available

  • handicapped parking
  • handicapped washroom (main floor only)
  • pew with extra room for walkers and wheelchairs
  • screens in worship
  • large print bulletins on request

Accessibility Issues with the Building

Sadly when this building was built in 1940 no one was thinking about how to help people who have difficulty with stairs enter the building. They built the building right into a hill, and it's currently impossible to get in or out without negotiating stairs.

In 2014 the congregation entered a capital fundraising program to initiate a 3-phase project to address the physical limitations of the building.

  • Phase One: In 2015 stairs from the parking lot to the lawns were replaced with an accessibility ramp, and a parking spot was designated for those with handicapped permits.
  • Phase Two: In the summer of 2017 the basement bathrooms are being rennovated so that there will be an accessible washroom on that floor in addition to the accessible washroom on the main floor. We expect this phase will be complete in the Fall of 2017.
  • Phase Three: We have now received zoning approval from the City of Toronto for our plans to install an elevator to permit full access to both floors of the building. The current fundraising campaign will not supply sufficient means to pay for this project yet, but we are applying to a variety of philanthropic foundations to seek their assistance in this important project. We hope this will be complete within another year or two.

If you have questions or concerns about accessibility at our church, please email us: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.