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Thanks for Supporting our "Little Free Pantry"
Our Little Pantry is emptied and refilled almost every day of the year. Drop by and check it out!
Most people think of Forest Hill as a neighbourhood of leafy trees, detached homes and people earning high incomes. What many people do not realize is that Forest Hill is also home to people on fixed incomes, immigrants and people who do not earn high salaries. These people may live in a home on a leafy street, an apartment building or in Toronto Community Housing. A characteristic they all share is the fact inflation is creating financial stress in their lives and may be contributing to food insecurity.
Church School Sundays at 11am
September - June
In-person Church School is offered September - June. Please bring your kids with you to church at 11am. They'll go out with Ann Fraser, a certified Early Childhood Educator, about 10 minutes after the beginning of the Worship Service.
Over the summer months we take a break from church school programming, but we continue to offer basic child care with a certified Early Childhood Educator.
Musings -- weekly reflections on Scripture
We're pleased to introduce this new feature to our website.
I began writing these short essays for our weekly e-newsletter. They served two purposes: First, they gave me an initial run at the Scripture that I would be preaching on -- an opportunity to start thinking about the spiritual and life questions that the sermon might address. Second, they serve as advertising; an invitation to folks to join us on Sunday morning and see how my thinking has developed between the first take on my questions and the final sermon that gets delivered.
We've started collecting these at this website so that people who aren't already subscribed to our newsletter can get a sense of what's coming up in worship. Feel free to check back weekly to see the reflection for the week, or click here to subscribe to our email newsletter and have these delivered into your inbox every Friday
Musings are available from the main menu of our website. The one reflecting the texts for next Sunday is intended to appear on the front page of our website each week.
Rev. Stephen Fetter
Events in our Region
Our Congregation is a member of the Shining Waters Regional Council, and there are events hosted by our neighbouring congregations which are varied and exciting. Check out what our neighbours are doing!
January 19, 2025
Second Sunday after the Epiphany
“Finding Joy”
Turning water into wine – wouldn’t that be a handy skill to have? You could put the Liquor Store out of business, and have a never-ending party. My Presbyterian ancestors, who no doubt strongly supported the 19th century Temperance Movement, would spin in their graves at the thought.
It doesn’t seem like a very pious act of Jesus, does it? Especially not as his very first miracle. Do you think he really wanted to kick into gear by becoming known as a party animal? In fact, most of his other miracles are about healing sick people. There are a handful of outliers – feeding the multitude, for example, or stilling the storm, or catching hundreds of fish – but on balance most of Jesus’ miraculous acts in the gospels are directed towards sick people. This one isn’t. And that’s strange.